quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

Looking for ingredients

Today we went out with Chef Meyer to the Green City Market, where all the food is organic and the much of  the food is bought by Chicago Cuisine Chefs. After we went to a Brazilian market. We couldn`t resist  the coxinha (kind of a Brazilian food) and guarana (Brazilian soda). It reminded me of home.

After that we started our marathon search for cassava (manioc) which we could only find at a Hispanic market. We found it! 

An evening in Navy Pier

An evening in Navy Pier

After our class we went to Navy Pier. I really would have liked to go to the ferris wheel but we didn`t have enough time so we could only have dinner. That is sad.

The park is full of colors, it is clean and modern compared to the others that I have visited around the world. (Excluding Disney World). 

The price tags at the stores were cheap. I thought I was going to find expensive prices but I didin`t. After the short time at the park we went back home and we ate popcorn then we went to bed! 

terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013

First class with Chef Meyer

Monday: The first class

In the morning we had an introduction class of English and a tour through the college. After lunch we went to the kitchen with Chef Meyer. There he demonstrated the cuts below. Some I knew and some were new.

At night we went to Bar Louie. It was really pleasant there. Their burger  is very very big and we ate a lot. Later, Aurora took us to eat ice cream.  

One place that caught my attention was Constructive Chaos. There was beautiful artwork from the children. The place was very very colorful. Amazing!    

terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

First Class

First Class

Yesterday (7/15/13) I slept so much (thank God) . My first class was very productive. We chopped potatoes with Chef Meyer and reviewed some knife skills .  I remember from the classes I took in Brazil. I went on a tour with Aurora to Constructive Chaos. We had dinner at Bar Louie. The food was very good but the service was bad.
We walked along the street and ate ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery.

The End!  

segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2013

Introducing myself

Hey, my name is Mariana, I`m 28 years old. I`m work with food and I love it. I have one catering business with my two partners we specialize in pastries the name is Feito a Mao Patisserie, This Means "Handmade" and Like us on Facebook . I have two brothers.I`m studying in IBMR Gastronomy (or Culinary)  I`m married and  my husband is economist and entrepreneur.  I live in Rio - Brazil, on the beach, in a beautiful neighborhood named Recreio. My mother and my father live in Rio Grande do Sul. I have one little dog :)

I decided to come to Kendall because it is a good opportunity for my CV and my life.

I would like to see the Chicago skyline, Chicago Bull`s stadium (because my brother is a fan) and the big department store Marshall's.

I love Chicago!